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Version: 1.7

Monitor mode

When a policy is deployed on the cluster, it will start accepting, rejecting or mutating requests. It's a binary operation, either the policy is taking decisions on operations it targets, or it's not installed at all.

In order to let users deploy a policy to a cluster, without letting it take final decisions, the monitor mode has been included.

The monitor mode is a way to deploy policies to the cluster in a way that:

  1. All requests that go through the policy will be accepted, as if the policy didn't exist.
  2. The policy result is traced in the policy-server normally. Details are included on whether the request would have been rejected, or if a mutation would have been proposed by the policy.
  3. The policy-server metrics are updated normally, with the mode included in the metric baggage. Therefore, it's easy to filter policies by mode, and focus on the ones deployed via monitor mode.

The mode is an attribute included in the ClusterAdmissionPolicy and AdmissionPolicy resources. There are two values that the mode attribute can assume: monitor and protect. If the mode is omitted, it will default to protect.

In order to create a policy in monitor mode, all you need to do is to include the mode as part of the spec of the resource. For example, in a ClusterAdmissionPolicy:

kind: ClusterAdmissionPolicy
name: psp-capabilities
mode: monitor
policyServer: reserved-instance-for-tenant-a
module: registry://
- apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["pods"]
mutating: true

Transitioning policy mode​

It's worth noting that certain attributes can be updated on policies once they have been deployed.

For security purposes, a user with UPDATE permissions on policy resources can make the policy more restrictive, so that:

  • Transitioning the mode of an existing ClusterAdmissionPolicy or AdmissionPolicy from monitor to protect is allowed.


  • Transitioning the mode of an existing ClusterAdmissionPolicy or AdmissionPolicy from protect to monitor is disallowed. This is because the policy would be effectively disabled during the time that it would have been in monitor mode, until it was restored back to protect mode.

Hence, in order to change the mode of a policy from protect to monitor, it is required to delete the policy and recreate it in monitor mode. This ensures that the user has permissions to remove policies.

A note on mutating policies​

Mutating policies in monitor mode are not going to produce a mutation on the resource, since on monitor mode they are exclusively going to log what their answer would have been, including the patch that they would have produced had they been in protect mode.

It's important to take this into account, given that when a mutating policy is in monitor mode, subsequent policies will evaluate a slightly different resource than they would have once the mutating policy is in protect mode. This is because the mutation that it produces has not happened due to the policy being in monitor mode.